Privacy Policy

This is the privacy statement of Toy Trend (hereinafter: “Toy Trend”). Via the website, via (win) promotions and via other services of Toy Trend, Toy Trend collects your personal data or information about you (hereinafter: “personal data”).

This privacy statement applies to this. The controller of this personal data is Toy Trend, located at Theresiastraat 280, 2593AX The Hague. We believe it is important that personal data is handled with care. When processing your personal data, we therefore adhere to the requirements of the applicable privacy laws and regulations. This means, among other things, that we: clearly state which personal data we process and for what purposes. We do this via this privacy statement; try to limit the collection of your personal data to the personal data that is necessary for the stated purposes; first ask you for explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where your permission is required; take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require this of parties that process personal data on our behalf; do not store your personal data for longer than is necessary for the specific purpose for which we obtained your personal data; respect your rights to view, rectify, delete, limit and/or transfer (portability) your personal data upon request. In this privacy statement we explain which personal data we process from you and for what purpose this is done. We recommend that you read this privacy statement carefully.

1. How do we collect your personal data?

When using our website, you leave certain data with us. This may include personal data. We collect personal data in various ways: Placing an order: you can order products via our website, in which case we ask you to provide us with some personal data in order to process the order and deliver the ordered products to you; Creating an account: you can also create an account on our website to gain insight into your orders and maintain wish lists; Newsletter registration: if you have indicated that you wish to receive our newsletter, certain personal data will be processed in order to send you the newsletter and to analyse the use of the newsletter; Contacting us: you can contact us with questions and/or complaints by post, e-mail or telephone. In that case, we will contact you to handle your question or complaint; Participation in competitions/prize contests/customer research: if you participate in promotions and/or prize contests, we will process the personal data that you provide to us. The same applies if you participate in market or customer research; Review: if you write a review on the website about a product that you purchased via our website, you have the option to provide this review with your name; Social media: if you approach us via our social media channels (such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest), we process certain personal data when, for example, you contact us to ask questions; Use/visit website: when surfing our website, technical information about your device is obtained (such as the IP address) and your visiting behaviour on the website. We receive this information through cookies that are placed on our website (see also chapter 5 and our Cookie Statement). It is possible to share your favourite articles or news items from our online magazine via your social media pages. In that case, we do not process your personal data, but only make it possible for you to share the article online. The providers of the relevant social media platforms do process certain personal data from you when sharing our news items/products. We therefore recommend that you carefully read the privacy policy of these platforms.

2. What personal data do we process?

When you use our website, we may process the following data about you: Name and contact details: first and last name, address details, e-mail address, telephone number; Demographic data: gender, date of birth, country, region, city; Newsletter registration: if you have indicated that you wish to receive our newsletter, certain personal data will be processed in order to send you the newsletter and to analyse the use of the newsletter; Communication data: technical data of the equipment you use to visit the website (for example your smartphone/laptop/tablet or a kiosk in the store), such as IP address, MAC address, browser used, language settings, operating system, service provider, type of device; Technical data: your surfing behaviour on the website, including mouse and click behaviour and the duration and time of your visit to our website and with regard to the newsletters whether you have received them, opened them and whether you have clicked through to the website from the newsletter; Financial data: payment details relating to a purchase made via the website; Account and order data: if you use an account, we process the login details of your account. Your purchase history is also processed, which can be consulted via your account.

3. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

We use the personal data mentioned above in chapter 2 for the following purposes: to offer you the possibility to order articles via our website and to use all functionalities and services on the website; to process your order and inform you about its progress; to answer your questions or handle your complaints via social media, e-mail, by post or by telephone; to process your data for participation in competitions and other promotions, so that we can contact you when you have won something; to communicate with you by sending electronic newsletters and/or post (see also chapter 7 'Toy Trend Newsletter'); to offer you personalized advertisements (see also the Google cookie policy), newsletters and other content on the website and third-party websites based on your interests and your (online) purchase history (see also chapter 9 'Profiling'); to improve (on an individual level) our website, stores, assortment and our services both in-store and online. We do this based on: your preferences, market and customer research conducted and the use of our website by visitors.

4. On what basis do we process your personal data?

The processing of your personal data is based on various grounds. Below we explain per type of processing on which basis this is done: The personal data mentioned in chapter 2 are processed by us for the purposes as in chapter 3 (under points 1 to 5) because this is necessary to perform the services that you purchase from us. This includes, for example, the use of our website, but also placing an order on our website and using our customer service. The personal data mentioned in chapter 2 are processed by us for the purposes as in chapter 3 (under 6 and 7) on the basis of the consent obtained from you. Prior to processing your personal data, we ask for permission to send these messages in which certain personal data of yours are processed. We can also keep you informed of similar products and services by e-mail after a purchase, unless you have indicated when you made your purchase that you do not wish to receive this information. You have the right to unsubscribe from receiving this information at any time. The personal data mentioned in Chapter 2 are processed by us for the purposes as stated in Chapter 3 (under 8) because this is necessary for the protection of our legitimate interests.

5. Cookies

We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small file that is sent by an internet server and stored on your computer. Cookies themselves cannot identify an individual user, but only the computer or mobile device that you are using through a randomly generated identification tag. See our cookie statement for more information about our use of cookies.

6. Retention periods

Webshop Account
The visible personal data stored in your account on will be stored until you decide to delete the account. Your order history on will be stored for up to 3 years after your last order, so that you can view it via your account, with the exception of the data that we are required to store for a longer period according to a statutory retention period, for example the personal data as stated on the invoices. If you have not used your account for 3 years, we will ask you whether you want to keep your account. If you do not indicate that you want to keep your account, even after a reminder, we will delete your account. Your order history and other personal data collected about you in the context of profiling (see chapter 9) will in any case no longer be used for marketing purposes 2 years after your last purchase via, apart from your possible registration for receiving the newsletter and commercial mailings from Toy Trend.

Purchase without a webshop account
If you make a purchase without logging in, we will retain your data for a maximum of 3 years after purchase in order to be able to process any service requests.

If you have registered for the newsletter or other commercial mailings from Toy Trend, we will store your data to send the newsletter and other mailings until you unsubscribe from these mailings. If you have not explicitly registered for the newsletter or other commercial mailings, but you receive these messages because you are a customer of Toy Trend (the so-called soft opt-in), we will store your data to be able to send these mailings for up to 2 years after your last purchase. If you have not made a purchase for 2 years, we will send you an email asking whether you want to continue receiving Toy Trend mailings. If you do not indicate that you want to continue receiving Toy Trend mailings, even after a reminder, we will delete your data.

Personal data processed in the context of a product review will be retained for as long as the product to which the review relates is in our range. Personal data processed in the context of a product review from an external seller will be retained for as long as the external seller is active on our marketplace.

Customer Service
Personal data that we process in the context of answering questions or resolving complaints will be retained for a maximum of 18 months after the question or complaint has been resolved.

Customer satisfaction
If you participate in a customer satisfaction survey, the data you provide will be retained by us for a maximum of 24 months.

Contests and competitions
Personal data processed in connection with your participation in prize draws or competitions will be retained for a maximum of 2 years, with the exception of data that we are required to retain for a longer period in accordance with a statutory retention period, for example in connection with the gambling tax.

Please see the cookie statement for the specific retention periods of the various cookies used on the website.

CCTV surveillance
We store camera images for a maximum of four (4) weeks, unless a longer period is necessary for the handling of an incident.

In general, your data will not be stored longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or processed. If you have any questions about Toy Trend's retention policy, you can contact us by sending an email to

7. Toy Trend Newsletter

If you have given permission for this, we can send you our newsletter and other personalized, commercial messages by e-mail. You can only give permission for this if you are 16 years or older. Every communication via this method includes an unsubscribe option if you are no longer interested in our newsletter. You can also unsubscribe from the newsletter in your account. We can also keep you informed of similar products and services via e-mail after a purchase, unless you have indicated with your purchase that you do not want this. Every communication via this method includes an unsubscribe option if you are no longer interested in our newsletter. You can also unsubscribe from the newsletter in your account.

8. Provision to third parties

We may use third-party services to process your data in accordance with this privacy statement, such as technical service providers and delivery services. These parties act as processors for Toy Trend. We ensure that these processors offer sufficient guarantees with regard to technical and organizational security measures. Toy Trend concludes a processing agreement with these processors, which includes the provision that they only process personal data on behalf of and in accordance with the instructions of Toy Trend. The data you provide will be passed on to third parties if this is necessary for the delivery of the products you have ordered or the services you have requested. For example, it may be necessary to pass on your name, address, telephone number and email address to an external seller if the product you have ordered is not delivered directly by us, but by an external seller who only offers the product via our website. For example, the product can be delivered to your home by the external seller. If a product is delivered by an external seller, this will be indicated on the website. These external sellers do not use your data for purposes other than processing your order. If we make personal data available to external sellers for the purpose described above, Toy Trend and the external seller are jointly to be regarded as responsible for the processing of this personal data. In addition, we pass on your address details to Parcel, for example, in order to be able to deliver your order. If you participate in a competition or promotion and you have won a prize, Toy Trend can send your contact details to the partner who makes the prize available so that this partner can send the prize. Furthermore, we only provide the data you provide to third parties if you have given prior permission for this (you can only give permission for this if you are 16 years or older) or if we are legally obliged to do so, we are forced to do so as a result of a lawsuit and/or if we deem it necessary to protect our own interests. For example, it is possible that the police may request data from us in the context of a fraud investigation. In that case, we are legally obliged to provide this data.

In order to offer Klarna's payment method, we may transfer your personal data in the form of contact and order details to Klarna during checkout so that Klarna can assess your eligibility for their payment methods and tailor these payment methods to you. Your transferred personal data will be processed in accordance with Klarna's own privacy policy. View Klarna's privacy policy here. Integration of the Trusted Shops Trustbadge / other widgets Trusted Shops widgets are integrated on this website to display Trusted Shops services (e.g. seal of approval, collected reviews) and to offer Trusted Shops products to shoppers after they have placed an order. This serves to protect our legitimate interests in optimal marketing by enabling secure shopping in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, which outweigh our interests. The Trustbadge and the services advertised with it are an offer of Trusted Shops AG, Subbelrather Str. 15C, 50823 Cologne (“Trusted Shops”), with which we are jointly responsible for data protection pursuant to Art. 26 GDPR. Within the framework of this data protection declaration, we inform you below about the essential content of the agreement in accordance with Art. 26 para. 2 GDPR. Within the framework of the joint responsibility that exists between us and Trusted Shops AG, you can preferably contact Trusted Shops via the contact options specified in the data protection information if you have any questions about data protection and the exercise of your rights. Nevertheless, you can always contact the responsible person of your choice. Your question will then, if necessary, be forwarded to the other responsible person for an answer.

1. Data processing when integrating the Trustbadge/other widgets
The Trustbadge is provided by a US CDN provider (content delivery network). An adequate level of data protection is guaranteed in any case by an adequacy decision of the EU Commission, which can be viewed here for the USA. Service providers from the USA are generally certified under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF). Further information is available here . If service providers are not certified under the DPF, standard contractual clauses have been concluded as an appropriate guarantee. . When the Trustbadge is called up, the web server automatically stores a so-called server log file, which also contains your IP address, the date and time of the call, the amount of data transferred and the requesting provider (access data) and documents the call. The IP address is anonymized immediately after collection so that the stored data cannot be assigned to you personally. The anonymized data is used in particular for statistical purposes and for error analysis.

2. Processing of data after completion of the order
After the order has been completed, the Trustbadge has access to the order information stored on your device (total order amount, order number, purchased item, if applicable) and e-mail address. This is necessary to be able to offer you the Trusted Shops services and to automatically secure your order if necessary. For this purpose, your e-mail address, which is hashed using a cryptological one-way function, is transmitted to Trusted Shops. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. This serves to check whether you have already registered for Trusted Shops services and is therefore necessary to safeguard our and Trusted Shops' compelling legitimate interests in the buyer protection linked to the specific order and the transaction evaluation services in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. If this is the case, further processing takes place in accordance with the contractual agreement between you and Trusted Shops. If you have not yet registered for the services, you will then be given the opportunity to do so for the first time. Further processing after registration is also dependent on the contractual agreement with Trusted Shops. If you do not register, all transmitted data will be automatically deleted by Trusted Shops and a personal reference will no longer be possible. Trusted Shops uses service providers for hosting, monitoring and logging. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR to ensure trouble-free operation. Processing may take place in third countries (USA and Israel). An adequate level of data protection is guaranteed in any case by an adequacy decision of the EU Commission, which can be found here for the USA and here for Israel. Service providers from the USA are generally certified under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF). Further information is available here . Where service providers are not certified under the DPF, standard contractual clauses have been concluded as an appropriate guarantee.

General terms and conditions
Agreement on the use of Trusted Shops Buyer Protection. You can secure orders placed with us up to an order value of 100 euros free of charge via the buyer protection of Trusted Shops GmbH. In addition, Trusted Shops offers protection in conjunction with a guarantor for a fee. The Trusted Shops buyer protection conditions apply, which you can find here , Buyer protection is concluded by clicking on the correspondingly designated button of the so-called Trustcard, which appears as a pop-up on the order thank-you page after an order has been placed. If you are already registered for buyer protection, your order will be automatically protected (automatic buyer protection) without you having to click on the button. In order to be able to offer you (automatic) buyer protection, the Trustcard must have access to order data stored in the cache of your browser. For this purpose, a hash value of your e-mail address, the order number and the total amount of your order are transmitted to Trusted Shops. If you are already registered for buyer protection, your order is automatically protected. If you are not yet registered for buyer protection, you can register via the Trustcard as described above. Information on data protection at Trusted Shops is included in the above-linked Buyer Protection Terms and Conditions.

9. Profiling

We combine your personal data from different sources with each other, in order to offer you the best online shopping experience. We do this by linking various data of yours, such as your account data, your purchase history, the reviews you have posted, but also your surfing behavior on our website on different devices, such as your computer, smartphone or tablet. It is also possible that we supplement or optimize your data with data from public sources such as the land registry or sources that you have given permission to use. We can then approach you more specifically if you have indicated that you wish to receive personalized offers and we can improve our services by better aligning them with the wishes of our customers and website visitors. We only do this if you have given permission for this by checking the option 'marketing cookies' in the cookie bar. You can only give permission for this if you are 16 years or older. By combining your data from different sources, we can show personalized offers and personalized content on our website or third-party websites that match your interests and purchase history. We can also personalize our online folder, newsletter and postal mailings for you in this way. This way we can make better and more targeted offers. This prevents you from seeing content or offers that are less interesting to you.

10. Social Media

You can find Toy Trend on various social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. It is possible that we will have access to some of your profile data if you follow us. This depends on your settings on these social media. For example, we can keep track of how often a certain item has been shared and liked via social media. In this way, we can analyze the reach of that item. The basis of this processing is our legitimate interest to improve our services. We can also use certain (marketing) services from third parties, such as Facebook. These services allow us to target a specific target group on social media. As an example, we mention Facebook Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences. We can provide hashed e-mail addresses to third parties for this purpose, so that these parties can approach targeted people for our marketing campaigns. If you do not want us to provide your hashed e-mail address to third parties, you can unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to In some cases, we give you the option to log in to certain services via Facebook. We then obtain contact information from Facebook, such as your name and email address, and possibly also public information from your profile. When you log in via Facebook, you can see which data we receive via Facebook. You can set your preferences via your settings in your Facebook account. More information about the use of social media cookies can be found in our cookie statement.

12. Third party websites

This privacy statement does not apply to websites of (personal) data via websites of third parties that are connected to our website by means of links. We cannot guarantee that these websites handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. Always read the privacy statement of this website before using the website in question, to ensure that they handle your data properly.

13. Security of your data

We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against loss or unlawful use thereof. We secure our systems and applications at a level that is sufficient, given the state of the art, to prevent unauthorized access to, modification, disclosure or loss of personal data. When we transfer or receive your data on our website, we always use the coding technologies that are recognized as common standards within the IT sector.

14. Minors

Young people under the age of 16 cannot give their own consent for the use of their personal data. Processing of personal data that we perform on the basis of consent (for example sending the newsletter) is therefore only available to persons aged 16 or older. This has also been indicated by us in those places. If parents or legal representatives believe that personal data of their child under the age of 16 has been processed incorrectly, they can report this or send an e-mail to

15. Changes to this privacy statement

We may change this privacy statement from time to time. Changes will be published on our website. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement regularly, so that you are aware of these changes.

16. Transfer to countries outside the EEA

Toy Trend or processors engaged by Toy Trend will only store or process your personal data outside the EEA if this is in accordance with the applicable regulations for the transfer of personal data to countries outside the EEA.

17. Your rights with regard to your personal data

In the event that you use a personalized account, certain personal data that you have provided to us can be changed by you via your account. If you do not have an account and would still like to view, rectify, delete, limit or transfer your personal data (portability), you can contact us via See below for a further description of your rights. Inspection and rectification/correction You can request an overview of all your personal data that is processed by us via You can submit a request to change or correct your data via the same email address. Toy Trend will respond to these requests as soon as possible, but in any case within one month, unless an extension of this period is justified by law.

You can always object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing and/or (further) receipt of marketing information via The emails that Toy Trend sends all contain an unsubscribe option. If you unsubscribe via this option, you will no longer receive such messages. You cannot unsubscribe from information messages.

If you want Toy Trend to delete your personal data and/or your account, you can request this by sending an email to It is possible that some personal data will be retained by us after such a request for deletion, for example because this is necessary for the processing of placed orders or if there is a legal obligation to retain the data.

Restriction of processing
If you have valid reasons to request a restriction of the processing of your personal data, for example because you dispute the accuracy of the personal data that Toy Trend processes, or because you have objected to the processing of personal data by Toy Trend, you can request this by sending an email to

Data portability
If the processing of your personal data by Toy Trend is based on your consent and is carried out via automated procedures, you have the right to request that the relevant personal data that you have provided to Toy Trend be received in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You can submit your request by sending your request to

Withdrawal of consent
If a processing of your personal data is based on your (explicit) consent, you always have the right to withdraw this consent, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal. You can withdraw your consent by sending an e-mail to

18. Complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority

Of course, we will be happy to help you if you have complaints about the processing of your personal data. If, despite this, you are unable to resolve the matter with us, you also have the right, under privacy legislation, to file a complaint with the privacy supervisor, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

19. Contact

If you have any questions or comments about this privacy statement, we would like to hear from you. You can send an email to You can also contact our Customer Service, stating 'privacy':

Customer Service Department
Theresiastraat 280
2593 AX The Hague
Phone number 070-3473120

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Of course we live up to our name and add the latest Toy Trend to our site throughout the year. We also organize fun contests, can be found at all kinds of fun events and regularly ask people for a review of one of our products.


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